Home / Products / Mangala Cement
Cement is a fine powder which sets after a few hours when mixed with water, and then hardens in a few days into a solid, strong material. Cement is mainly used to bind fine sand and coarse. Cement is used for the construc- tion of various structures like buildings, bridges, water tanks, tunnels, docks, harbors etc. It is also very useful for the construction of roads, footpaths, courts for various sports etc.
Ordinary Pozzalana Cement, is prepared by a fully- automated, dry manufacturing process using state of the art technology under strict quality assurance at all stages of manufacturing. The product comes in a range of specifications to suit various conditions and applications such as dry lean mixes, general-purpose ready-mixes and even high strength pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete. OPC is available in OPC -43 grade and OPC -53 grade.
Portland Pozzalana Cement, is prepared by a fully- automated, dry manufacturing process using state of the art technology under strict quality assuarance at all stages of manufacturing. PPC is manufactured by inter grinding well burnt OPC Clinker with gypsum and pozzolanic materials like power station fly ash or silicious earth.
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